Landing design and development for a logistics consulting company

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About the customer

The KPP INFO company with 20 years of experience in the transport services market is an international leader in the field of logistics and transportation. The company provides comprehensive support to its partners, including financial, accounting and consulting services. Its additional services are aimed at improving partners' business processes, and all necessary formalities are provided to ensure smooth operations. The company strives to make cooperation as comfortable and productive as possible, providing high quality service and support.


Our team received a request to create a one-page landing page for a company that provides full support to partners to carry out their activities, provides financial, accounting, consulting assistance and additional services in order to attract new customers and partners. The main tasks included demonstrating the company's professionalism, describing key services and benefits, and simplifying communication with potential customers through a feedback form.


We implemented a landing page with an intuitive structure, where each section is clearly responsible for specific information. The home screen includes a prominent headline and call to action. The company's services are presented in a visually attractive way using icons and a short description. The benefits and support provided by the company are complemented by credible images and text. A feedback form and contact information are integrated at the bottom of the page for quick access.


The team successfully implemented the task by creating a landing page that clearly demonstrates the company's strengths. The structure of the page ensures easy perception of information, the design emphasizes stability and reliability, and a clear call to action motivates cooperation. Landing turned out to be modern, adaptable and ready to work with an international audience.

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